Friday, September 24, 2010

motorbike helmet

motorbike helmet
In most places in the United States, there are motorbike helmet laws in effect. You are required to wear a helmet. Some people do not think though that they should wear their helmets. These people think that feeling the wind blowing through their hair is more important than protecting themselves from a damaged head. But let's look at some history about these helmets and see if the laws are truly effective.

History of Motorbike Helmet Laws

The federal government started making the wearing of motorbike helmets the law in 1967. States had to enact these laws to get federal funds for highway construction in their state. By the end of 1969, 40 states had enacted the laws. By the time 1975 rolled around, there were only 3 states that had not enacted these laws. Since 1975 the laws is some areas have vacillated back and forth but today it still stands that in most states you have to wear a helmet to legally ride your motorbike.

Why the Laws Became in Effect

Laws became in effect because too many people were getting hurt riding motorbikes. Motorbikes go at such high speeds and maneuver in such a way that they are vulnerable to crashes. The rider is not enclosed in a protective covering with a motorbike either. So the helmets were deemed necessary to give the head the protection it deserves.

Why it's a Good Idea to Wear a Helmet Even When There are No Laws

There are less injuries and even deaths when riders wear their motorbike helmets. You will not get as many head injuries or as severe head injuries when wearing a motorbike helmet. No one wants a head injury! Also, wearing helmets to prevent injuries can even help keep health costs down along with the cost of insurance. Just like car accidents can affect insurance rates.

Death Rates are Higher

When a motorbike helmet is not worn, the chance of death goes up dramatically. Statistics have shown that the risk can even double when helmets are not worn. It is not worth taking your life into your hands by not wearing a helmet. Be smart, protect yourself!

Have These Laws Been Effective?

Motorbike helmet laws have been very effective in getting riders to use their helmets. In states that did not have helmet laws, only about 50% of the riders wore helmets. When the laws were enacted requiring riders to wear helmets, 100% of the riders wore their helmets. Helmet laws are said to even prevent thefts of motorbikes due to the fact that the thieves most often do not have helmets so they stand out to the cops and helps them make the arrest when necessary.

It is very important when you ride your motorbike to wear your motorbike helmet. It protects your head from injuries. Wearing a helmet cuts down on injuries and deaths. Also, these laws can prevent motorbike thefts from occurring. So play it safe and wear your motorbike helmet today when you go for your ride.

You can get great discounts on quality motorbike helmets at

Bruce Mansilson is a motorbike rider who not only loves to ride, but loves to tinker with his favorite machines. He owns four motorcycles that he maintains on a regular basis. He is also a very safety conscious rider. He owns which offer quality DOT approved helmets at a very resonnable price.


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